MCT Series - part 3 - Fear
In order to know how to manage and clear (get rid of) negative emotions, we need to understand several things including:
So what is fear? Have you ever really stopped to feel where it arises inside your body? Do you know the harm it creates? Do you know how to stop being ruled by fear?
There are many types of fear, and many causes, but one of the most important things to understand is that sometimes it's real, and sometimes it's not.
Real fear is triggered by the autonomic nervous system in response to a real survival threat. It's the body's way of alerting you to danger so that you can avoid the danger and stay alive. If we didn't have this automatic response, we wouldn't be able to escape danger.
False fear is triggered by the same part of the nervous system, but the threat is not necessarily real, or not real on a physical survival level. However it may be real on an emotional survival level, and the body will respond in the same way - with fear.
Fear may also be completely unreal, created completely by the mind going into the future anticipating or imagining a future scenario. Even though this scenario has not happened, the body will respond in the same way as real fear, because it's programmed to keep you safe.
The problem with false fear is that it taxes the body mentally, emotionally and physically, causing unnecessary strain, even building up to serious chronic symptoms of physical illness.
It is therefore essential that we learn:
If you're ready to let go of fear, the MCT program will show you how:
In the MCT 'Manage, Clear and Transform' Mini Series, you can learn how to get rid of fear, and the other 6 toxic emotions which cause the most havoc in the body-mind:
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