Most of the time our attention and consciousness are focused 'outwardly' into the outside world.
Turning our attention inwards to journey within is foreign or uncomfortable for many people.
It takes courage to journey within, because we have to face parts of ourselves we have been avoiding, neglecting or even unconsciously harming.
We have to face our fears, heal our past, and re-learn to trust ourselves. We have to learn how to let go of the past so we can move forward into our future.
We have to learn how to stand up for ourselves, put ourselves first and express ourselves honestly.
All of this requires courage.
Being able to communicate your needs and feelings clearly and easily without fear of what others will think, say or do.
Being able to prioritize yourself and look after your emotional / mind / physical needs without feeling guilty for putting yourself first.
Being able to stand up for yourself and stop unfair or unacceptable treatment, including when others are manipulating or taking advantage of you.
Maintaining healthy work-life balance in order to prevent stress and emotions turning into unhappiness or illness.
Full awareness of when you are or are not meeting your own needs in order to maintain internal health and harmony.
Being able to appreciate, value and love yourself enough to care of your own needs
All of which rest on a bed of:
A healthy and solid foundation of authentic self-worth, self-value, self-belief and self-esteem
When you register for the free webinar below you can take the quick quiz to test out your levels of emotional freedom.
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