You have a choice where you put your attention, where you choose to put your focus, what you choose to focus on in life. You can choose to focus on uplifting, positive information, or negativity, hype and drama. And because such a large part of the world's population has been 'brain-washed' into thinking that negativity and drama is 'normal', they follow along like sheep, believing it to be normal to sit and watch and believe negative news stories every day...
Who is in control of your mind... and emotions?
Is it you... or someone else? Or some 'thing' else? And if so what is that 'thing'?
Well, actually, even if it is 'something else' it still comes back to you, because your mind is inside you! It's inside your head, and no-one else's!
So why is it we can go into so much fear, doubt, worry, anxiety, panic?...
I'll tell you why.
It's because we don't have enough control over our own mind.... and emotional responses.
That sounds silly really when you read that, right?
What? I don't have control over my own mind?
Yes indeed, this is the case.
So if you don't have control over your own mind, who or what does?
I'll tell you who...
Anyone or anything you choose to give it control to.
And who or what is this in general?
Anyone or anything outside of you...
Your partner, friends, children, boss, colleagues...
And the 'media'... what you read and see in the media... whether that be on TV, newspapers, the radio, social 'media'...
How many times have you read something on social media and immediately believed it, and had an emotional response about it (eg fear, worry, anxiety....)?
Why is this?
Because you have been unconsciously programmed from an early age to believe and trust external authority and to believe what you see / read / watch in the media, which is (or rather, has become) an 'outside authority'.
But how do you know that what you are hearing / seeing is absolutely true? Have you fact-checked it all? Do you know it to be absolutely true?
And are you aware of the level of 'fear-mongering' which goes on in the media? Are you aware of the levels of drama that 'make the news' because this is what 'makes news'?
Because if not, you are likely to get drawn into and caught up in the mass negativity which is reported on a daily basis worldwide in the 'news'.
And I'll tell you right now, this is not healthy. This is not a healthy way to live at all.
Living in fear, worry and doubt is not a healthy way to live. Living in fear and negativity breeds more fear and negativity.
But it doesn't have to be this way.
Because we have a choice.
YOU have a choice.
You have a choice where you put your attention, where you choose to put your focus, what you choose to focus on in life. And you can choose to focus on uplifting, positive information, or negativity, hype and drama. And because such a large part of the world's population has been 'brain-washed' into thinking that negativity and drama is 'normal', they follow along like sheep, believing it to be normal to sit and watch and believe negative news stories every day.
How many people have a regular routine of getting up in the morning and 'listening to or watching or reading the news'? Millions!
What do you think this does to their mind? And emotional state?
It programs them for negativity! To think negatively... to feel negatively. To stay locked in stress and fear.
Millions of people make it their first task of the day to get up and re-program their mind into negativity.... unconsciously... day after day, year after year.
And it's not just news... it has spread into other visual mediums including soap operas (think Coronation St... Eastenders... Shortland St... hour after hour, month after month, year after year of ongoing, relentless drama and negativity), films and TV series. It's everywhere.
What do you think this is doing to their (your) mind?
It's giving them their 'fix' of negativity and drama! It's giving them their fix of stress, so that they don't feel comfortable without it. It's an addiction, and it's an unconscious programming of the mind. (Think the 'Matrix').
But there IS another way. And you can choose. In fact, if you want things to be different, you must choose, because no-one else can choose for you.
You can choose what you do with your mind and where you put its attention. You can choose what you focus on in your daily life. And you can choose what you believe and whether to 'buy into' the drama that is constantly being reported in the world and on the news. YOU CAN CHOOSE.
So what do you want to focus on?
Do you want to focus on drama, negativity, fear, hysteria, and all the feelings of fear and worry that creates inside you?
Or would you rather focus on trust, positivity, love, peace, and experience more of that inside of you?
And which do you think is ultimately going to make the world a better place to live?
Because I say again, the choice is yours, but YOU must MAKE this choice. And you must do what it takes to make this choice, which includes DECIDING what information you put in front of your mind, and how you use your mind on a daily basis, and how you respond to what is happening around you (aka emotional management).
The choice lies with you.
So are you going to focus on the negativity of the media, or are you going to read positive uplifting information, and take time through personal mind practices to cultivate inner peace and trust, which can all be done if you choose to do it?
It's up to you.
YOU have control over your mind. No-one else and nothing else. YOU.
So if you're finding yourself caught up in the hype, drama and fear of the media, and you're sick of being afraid and worried, then maybe it's time to take back control of your mind and where you put your attention.
Is it time?
I hope so.
Because the fewer people who buy into the drama and fear of the media, and the less people who spend time doing so, the less 'hold' the media will have over you, and anyone. They can only keep their grip on you if you allow them to. It's up to you.
Take back control of your mind, today, now. Free yourself from the grip of fear. Do it now.
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