Why The Truth Will Set You (And Us All) Free

"On our individual journeys to health and wellbeing, we must face those parts of ourselves we have been suppressing, hiding and ignoring. The dark side. On an individual level, this dark side is our emotional patterning, as well as our deep subconscious and unconscious programming. It is about facing our past in this life, facing the traumas and hurts, and healing those wounds."
(Copied from a Facebook Post).
You may have noticed I share quite a few posts which some see as 'negative' or even outrageously unbelievable (aka 'conspiracy' theories').
I'd like you to know it's not because I enjoy sharing negative or dramatic information... not at all.
I share because I AM committed to the truth and the highest good of all. And as part of that commitment, and on that journey of enlightenment, we must face the dark and unseen, whilst maintaining the focus on the light. 
We must face those parts of ourselves, INDIVIDUALLY AND COLLECTIVELY, which up until now we have perhaps not wanted to see, or even been aware of.
We must become aware of what we were previously unaware of, because we cannot change what we don't acknowledge.
What is fascinating to me about our current world situation*, is that for the first time in modern history, we are seeing on a collective level what normally one sees on an individual level.
For example, take health:
For years, working as a chronic illness recovery health coach, I have seen how when people neglect themselves and their wellbeing, and unwittingly cause themselves self-harm through 'breaking the laws of health', they get sick. I speak from personal as well as many years of clinical experience.
Interestingly enough, often that sickness comes in the form of a virus 'taking the person down' in the body's intelligent 'last straw' effort in its bid to get the attention of its owner to make changes. These changes include lifestyle behavioural changes, such as increasing self care, self respect, self love and decreasing self neglect, self harm and self abuse.
When people are brought to their knees with illness, and can no longer function normally due to the pain and inconvenience, they finally wake up to the realization that they must change and do things differently. When they make this change, their body self-rectifies and restores itself to its natural state of balance and harmony (aka health).
Now we have seen the virus take humanity down COLLECTIVELY for the good of humanity.
As a whole, we are being asked to change our ways, to stop harming both ourselves and others and everything in nature. And if and when we do this, humanity and the planet as a whole will be restored to good health on all levels - remembering that health is not just the health of the physical body - it is the mind and spirit, which is where in fact good health starts.
But there is more.
On our individual journeys to health and wellbeing, we must face those parts of ourselves we have been suppressing, hiding and ignoring. The dark side.
On an individual level, this dark side is our emotional patterning, as well as our deep subconscious and unconscious programming. It is about facing our past in this life, facing the traumas and hurts, and healing those wounds.
Many people have done very little work at this level. 30 years ago I certainly had done almost none, and then life, in the form of illness, forced me to face myself. It was not an altogether fun journey. Getting to grips with and clearing deep sadness, hurt, betrayal, anger and fear is not an easy task. But it's an essential one on the road to greater self-realization and wisdom.
Facing ourselves means facing the truth of ourselves, which requires HONESTY and COURAGE, along with a healthy dose of SELF-COMPASSION and SELF-FORGIVENESS.
Much of the dark side is now coming to light collectively. Initially we can want to DENY the unpleasant things we don't want to see.
This is why, for example, an individual can know their partner is cheating on them, but deny it for years, or an alcoholic will deny they are addicted, even though they clearly are.
We can also be completely oblivious to the truth which is right under our noses, such is the strength of our unconscious blindness.
But eventually the truth will prevail. And right now, many unpleasant truths are coming to light, and many people are unwilling to see or face or believe these truths. They call these people brave enough to speak up about these truths 'conspiracy theorists'. And yet, in many cases, the truth is, 'TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION'.
This inability to see the truth initially is summed up well in the following quote, which is so important I had it put on the back of my business cards 5 years ago:
(Arthur Schopenhauer).
Facing the truth is no easy task, but it IS what will set us free - individually and collectively.
And the time is now.
Be brave.
*written during Covid-19


Recommended Transformation Programs

If you're SERIOUS about changing your patterning and transforming yourself from the inside out, to create a better you and therebye a better world, check out any of the emotional transformation programs on this site, as well as the 'Change your Patterns, Change your Destiny' programs on my Qigong site.

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