If you've been using certain social media platforms over the past 18 months, you will know the level of censorship and vetting which has become the norm. Sometimes it seems that almost every post comes with a notice or warning (if it mentions a certain topic) and it's not uncommon for people to land in 'jail' for speaking their mind.
Have you experienced, or do you still experience, unfair, humiliating treatment from people in your life? Maybe your partner, a friend, someone at work, a parent, or even a child?
I cannot tell you how common this is. Every day around the world, hundreds of thousands of people are being downtrodden, taken advantage of and abused. It's an epidemic.
Just yesterday I saw a post from someone sharing their excitement about a new project they had taken on, and when she came home to tell her husban...
"For the already-deeply wounded and traumatized person, they will not understand unfair treatment or behaviour is unacceptable, and will tolerate it, without knowing how to either recognize it or stop it".
Sometimes it can be really hard to spot a bully. They come in all shapes and sizes.
I don't mean literally.
I mean they can be anyone: a friend, partner, parent, child, work colleague, teacher, mentor... anyone.
And one of the problems or challenges with trying to manage bullies is th...
"For the first time, I understood what psychological abuse was, and how ‘victims’ are terrified of leaving their abuser… because of the terror from childhood which was still inside me".
Exploring Narcissism (part 1)
I grew up with a narcissistic mother, but (as is very common) did not know it at the time. In fact it wasn't until I was about 12, when I heard a school friend describing her relationship with her mother, that I even started to question perhaps my mother wasn’t quite a...
"People bully others, or tolerate being bullied by others, in an unconscious effort to protect themselves, either emotionally or physically, or both".
Bullying and unfair treatment can appear in many shapes and forms, in all walks of life.
It can (and does) happen at school, university... in the workplace... on holiday... at home.
So why is it people become bullies?
And why is it we tolerate unacceptable or unfair treatment?
And more importantly, how do we put a stop to either of these...
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