When the Covid outbreak started, it became clear that what is happening on earth right now is the COLLECTIVE version of what individuals have been experiencing for some time now: the result of ongoing and UNACCEPTABLE LEVELS OF STRESS, individually, and collectively.... we could say on the organism of humanity, and the planet as a whole.
Now is the time to put into practice what teachers of wisdom like Eckhardt Tolle have been preaching to us for years: "in times of crisis, deepen presence".
For years most people have been living their lives, automatically assuming in their mind a relatively stable future existed ahead of them.
They have been looking forward to their next holiday, birthday or Christmas party... planning that next big purchase (house or car...) or a...
Just like the canals in Venice have started to become crystal clear, and people can see what is in the water for the first time in years, so it is with ourselves. We are going to start 'seeing' things about ourselves we hadn't noticed when we were keeping ourselves distracted. And we are going to start FEELING feelings we didn't know we had inside...
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