Learn how to make friends with your feelings and self-clear uncomfortable emotions without fear or overwhelm.
Now that you've laid a strong foundation through the Level 1 Foundation Training, you are ready to start welcoming and clearing emotions.
You will learn the unique purpose every 'negative' emotion plays in your life, including anger, sadness, shame, guilt, betrayal, hurt, anxiety, depression, disappointment, loneliness, boredom, fear and more.
This module is jam-packed with 30+ lessons and tutorials, carefully 'time-released' in a progressive order to maintain clarity of learning and avoid information overwhelm. You can take a fun quiz at the end of each section to test your knowledge retention.
An overview of what you will learn in the program:
Understand how your body communicates with you and keeps you safe through 'survival' emotions. Learn to identify, feel and clear frustration, fear, anger, sadness and more. Learn how to read your body intelligence, listen to your gut brain and how not to be afraid of your feelings.
Learn how to recognize the self-esteem and self-value issues which trigger self-worth emotions. Learn what to do to clear these type of emotions so you don't stay bogged down with feelings of guilt, doubt and shame.
Learn how the 'composite' emotions of anxiety and depression need a different approach than other emotions. Understand how to reduce emotional overwhelm so you are no longer stuck in fear.
An introduction to wisdom emotions and the ultimate goal of growing the virtuous energies of love, compassion, trust, openness, courage, gratitude and more. As we cultivate wisdom emotions we elevate our life and experience more joy, happiness, love and inner peace.
Learn how to stop the mental habit of 'mentally rehearsing what you don't want to happen'. Discover the real root cause of worry and how to knock this fearful mind habit on its head.
Learn easy self-help techniques for clearing all types of emotions in seconds and minutes. Instead of being bogged down for weeks and months with emotions, learn how to get rid of them quickly and easily without being afraid of your feelings.
Learn the 9 different functions of our 3 brains and discover why most people are missing 66% of their internal communication! Learn to interpret the '3 levels of communication' your body uses to communicate its emotional needs with you.
"You have done such a fantastic job with this training. Everything is so well organized and easy to understand. I am so impressed!"
"If I could tell someone about this course, I would tell them how much it has helped me. I know how people are hesitant at spending money on themselves, but I would hope to help them see how important their health is and look at the bigger picture. I'd love to shout about it from the rooftops!"
"If I could tell someone about this program, I would tell them it's really not scary to look at your emotions, in fact it made me feel better, and that they can take the exercises as slowly as they like."
"The content of the course is amazing! It's so comprehensive. I've been trying to figure out the vagaries of my mood for decades! The information is great and I appreciate your sharing your own personal experience. It is very understandable. I really liked that you highlight from the outset that this is (unavoidably) spiritual as well as emotional (processing) work. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and experiences with us!!"
Register for the EA L2 Emotional Management training and learn how to get rid of the emotions you don't enjoy experiencing.
Kim has been studying emotional alchemy for 30 years since she was first diagnosed with depression and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and came to understand that the root of both these problems were trapped emotions. Since then she has been fascinated with all things emotional and how to clear negative energy from the body-mind.
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