Being able to manage your feelings is one of the keys to emotional mastery. So is being able to deal with difficult or toxic people in your life. Join me on this free training and discover the 5 keys to emotional freedom.
Kim Knight
Director, Emotional Alchemy Academy
'Freedom' is defined as 'the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants'.
Emotional freedom is this and much more. It is the ability to be masterful of one's emotions, including being able to self-clear negative feelings on demand, and ultimately to no longer experience emotional ups and downs at all. instead, one can learn how to remain calm, joyful and peaceful inside, no matter what is going on.
Sound too good to be true?
Whilst I understand it may sound outlandish, I can assure you it's possible!
So I'd like to ask you:
If you're ready to get on top of your emotions, rather than them getting on top of you, I can show you how.
If you're ready to no longer be afraid of speaking your truth or expressing your feelings, you can learn to do so in a fool-proof way.
If you're ready to own your power, I'd love to show you how.
Register for this free training and I'll tell you more...
Look forward to seeing you on the training!
EMOTIONAL FREEDOM is the ability to be masterful of one's emotions, including:
- knowing what you feel emotionally at all times, including being able to 'label' different emotions with ease
- being able to feel where negative and positive emotions are generated inside your body
- being able to self-clear negative feelings on demand
- not feeling afraid of feeling uncomfortable feelings
- being able to interpret the hidden messages and meaning behind emotions
- being able to tap into and use your multiple brains (head, heart and gut)
- being able to listen to and follow your intuition (inner tutor)
- being able to deal with difficult or 'upsetting' situations quickly, easily and efficiently without having to go into drama which lasts for hours, days, weeks, months or years
- being able to stand your ground mentally and emotionally with difficult or toxic people
- not being shaken by abusive, unfair behaviour from others
- knowing how to clear physical symptoms of illness ('dis-ease') which are caused by an emotional 'back-log' in the system
- knowing how to 'cultivate' and grow positive emotions like joy, love, trust, courage, peace, compassion and more