Every cell, tissue and organ in your body have both a physical and 'meta-physical' physical function. Meta means 'beyond' so metaphysical means 'beyond physical'. This means every cell, tissue and organ also have an emotional function: they have to store, manage and process your emotions!
Let's be honest, whose mind hasn't gone to fearful, worst-case-scenario thoughts such as 'maybe it's cancer' or 'maybe I'm dying' when experiencing severe or inexplicable symptoms?
One of the most...
What most people are unaware of is that every cell, tissue and organ has a 'beyond' physical function which we can call 'metaphysical'. Meta means 'beyond' - metaphysical means 'beyond physical'. Simply put, every cell, tissue and organ has an emotional function: they have to store, manage and process our emotions!
One of the most useful concepts to understand in health is the HEALING 'RESPONSE' or HEALING 'REACTION' and how to handle it.
Not understanding this phenomenon can...
The past is history
The future is a mystery
Today is a gift
Which is why it's called the present
"People often feel there is ‘something missing’ in their life. What is missing is attention and alignment with the present moment” Eckhardt Tolle
There can be much misunderstanding and confusion over the real meaning behind symptoms of ‘chronic fatigue’, and what actually causes various kinds and types of debilitating exhaustion.
There can also be much confusion over the difference between the labels of ‘ME’ (myalgic encephalomyelitis), ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’ (CFS), ‘post viral fatigue’, burnout, ‘adrenal fatigue’ and more, all conditions which leave one with the...
"I want you to wake up so I can take a walk" - Gangaji, self-realized spiritual teacher
Warning! This post could trigger some indignant responses, especially if you are metaphorically 'asleep'. That's OK: some people won't like it and some people will love it! This post is for those who are ready to hear the usefulness in what I have to share, because it's truly meant to be a helpful 'wake up' call to help you solve your problems, because I WANT you to be happy and well : )
Today I read in the Guardian that scientists are researching a pill for loneliness***.
So here are my two cents worth on why this is not likely to provide the fundamental 'cure'.
Having experienced much deep loneliness over much of my life, I can speak personally as to the devastating effects of what it's like to be and feel alone.
It affects every layer of our being: mind, emotions, physical and spiritual.
Research has shown that loneliness can impair health*, for...
"People bully others, or tolerate being bullied by others, in an unconscious effort to protect themselves, either emotionally or physically, or both".
Bullying and unfair treatment can appear in many shapes and forms, in all walks of life.
It can (and does) happen at school, university... in the workplace... on holiday... at home.
So why is it people become bullies?
And why is it we tolerate unacceptable or unfair treatment?
And more importantly, how do we put a...
Most of the time our attention and consciousness are focused 'outwardly' into the outside world.
Turning our attention inwards to journey within is foreign or uncomfortable for many people.
It takes courage to journey within, because we have to face parts of ourselves we have been avoiding, neglecting or even unconsciously harming.
We have to face our fears, heal our past, and re-learn to trust...
24 years ago I walked into work and quit my job without any preemption.
The chronic, ongoing exhaustion which had been building up for several months finally became...
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